Episode 66: 8 Tips To Beat Imposter Syndrome

Sara covers the dreaded Imposter Syndrome!! This episode not only explores what imposter syndrome is but also offers practical tips and personal insights on how to manage and quiet these often paralyzing feelings. Whether you're a seasoned executive or early in your career journey, this discussion is tailored to help you navigate through self-doubt and embrace your accomplishments with confidence.

In This Episode, You'll Discover:

  • Understanding Imposter Syndrome: An overview of what imposter syndrome is and why it's more common than you think.

  • Identifying Imposter Syndrome: Key questions to ask yourself to uncover if you're experiencing imposter syndrome.

  • 8 Actionable Tips to Beat Imposter Syndrome including Tip #7 Which will CHANGE THE GAME in how you view your imposter syndrome. 

Understanding that you're not alone in feeling like a fraud.

Reclaim your confidence and recognize your value.

Visit saramurray.com/speaking for more information on the example discussed in this episode. 


Episode 67: Understanding The Power Of Language With Mark Scherer


Episode 65: Expand The Circle And Enlightened Leadership With Matt Poepsel