Episode 67: Understanding The Power Of Language With Mark Scherer

Mark Scherer

Mark Scherer is a successful life coach and entrepreneur. He has had the pleasure of working with thousands of individuals and leading classes for a wide variety of corporations such as national grocers, international accounting firms, leadership forums, and major Fortune 500 companies. As a certified business mentor, he specializes in applying his many modalities to help businesses, groups, families, and individuals identify, clarify, align, and implement their highest choices and visions. Mark developed an interest in consciousness at a young age through observing peoples language and the results they produced in their life.

For 30+ years he studied Consciousness, Language, Spiritual Law and Quantum Physics from well renowned educators throughout the United States and globally. Although this was observed, he continued to work in other fields while desiring to one day establish a career in consciousness. In 2018 Mark founded Encompass Life (EL). He combined his years of consciousness studies into a highly effective, rapid upgrade system. The goal is to empower each client to the greatest shift with ease and efficient use of time. He achieves this through his development of the Quantum Leap Technique (QLT) —perhaps the most powerful form of coaching today.

When you only say negative things, you will only attract negative results. If you want to gain positive outcomes and shift to a more fulfilling mindset, you must change the language you are using. Sara Murray chats with life coach and entrepreneur Mark Scherer to discuss the power of reframing your words. He explains how diving deep into your conscious mind can help change your perspectives, unlock better opportunities, and build a positive momentum cycle. Mark also talks about the power of language to change your reality and get you out of your limiting beliefs, bringing you unparalleled empowerment and courage.


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Understanding The Power Of Language With Mark Scherer

Mark Scherer is a successful Life Coach and Entrepreneur. He has had the pleasure of working with thousands of individuals and leading classes for a wide variety of corporations such as National Grocers, international accounting firms, leadership forums and major Fortune 500 companies. As a Certified Business Mentor, he specializes in applying his many modalities to help businesses, groups, families and individuals identify, clarify, align and implement their highest choices and visions.

Mark developed an interest in consciousness at a young age through observing people's language and the results they produced in their life. For 30-plus years, he studied Consciousness, Language, Spiritual Law and Quantum Physics from well-renowned educators throughout the United States and globally. Although this was observed, he continued to work in other fields while desiring to one day establish a career in consciousness.

In 2018, Mark founded Encompass Life. He combined his years of consciousness studies into an effective rapid upgrade system. The goal is to empower each client to the greatest shift with ease and efficient use of time. He achieves this through the development of the Quantum Leap technique, QLT, perhaps the most powerful form of coaching nowadays. I have met Mark a couple of times at this point and each time, I always have some different takeaway, learning or breakthrough and I am very excited for this conversation. Mark, welcome to the show.

Thank you. It’s great to see you again.

Backstory And Success Stories

Nice to see you, too. What I want to get into for this episode, to orient the audience a little bit, is I want to talk a little bit about your background and your bio, I think, has a lot of things we want to pull and learn more of. I also want to talk about getting into some of your clients' successes and then I want to talk about some of the how and the why you're focusing on this work and how it's going to impact all of us. If I can start, can you share a little bit about the evolution of Encompass Life and how you found this work?

I’ve been interested in consciousness, as I said, since I was a kid. I was raised in a religious household. I went to a Catholic school and there were things that I would hear in the school, like in the trainings, and we had guidance class, like the religious classes. I would ask a lot of questions. In that type of environment, you couldn't ask questions. I can't ask that question. You can't ask that one either. You got to believe what we're telling you.

Let's see how to say this. I was a little bit of a rebel, so I could tell that some things didn't sit right with me and didn't feel true. I started exploring outside of what was religious and started getting into quantum physics and getting into some of the mainstream stuff about Proctor and Napoleon Hill and all those things.

I started talking about the power of thoughts. I studied with a lot of mainstream stuff that was about thinking positive thoughts on think negative thoughts. Most people have that type of training. For me, it was pretty excruciatingly painful to try to monitor my thoughts at that level. I was having some success. Life was going this up-and-down rollercoaster thing.

Years ago, I got involved with another modality that took the right and wrong out of it, which resonated to me because it goes back to some of the basic teachings of many different religions, many different methods beyond the right wrongness. There's a field of all possibilities, but if we can live in that open field, you know what's possible. I started to explore that, and when I did, I noticed a lot of changes in my own consciousness and in the people I was coaching.

All of a sudden, their level of happiness goes up, their level of creativity goes up, their intuition goes up maybe 10x, 20x, 30x, 40x quickly. In business, how many times are people wondering what to do, how to do it and getting caught in that monkey mindset of how. In the world nowadays, you got to be able to adapt quickly and be able to see where you're going. Maybe be the front runner of something brand new to excel here.

I appreciated the comment about the monkey mindset. It's almost like you're spinning your wheels a lot, doing what you think you should be doing or running around asking all these different people for advice. One of the biggest things I’ve noticed recently in 2024, 1 of my 3 words is intuition because I would ask a consultant or pay for a coach and then they'd tell me something that I would follow, even though it wasn't following my intuition. Now that I’ve been trusting myself more and following my intuition, I'm already seeing pretty significant quick results. I appreciate you saying that because I think it's going to resonate with a lot of people. Continue. What type of breakthroughs do you personally and with your clients?

All types of breakthroughs. I’ve had several clients who had hired other business coaches to maybe take their business to maybe double their income. They were a $35 million, $40 million company. They were going to try to grow to maybe $75 million or $80 million. They had hired several business coaches, and no matter what they did, they were still stuck with that same income. We're still working with them, but pretty intensely for about a year. They went from like $35 million to $350 million quickly. That's huge. The struggle to go from $35 million to $75 million. This may sound weird to people, but a lot of people succeed in business based on anger. “I'm going to prove to you I can do this. I'm going to prove to my parents I can do this. I'm going to prove the world I can do this.”

All that anger and resentment that drive somebody's success will only get them to a certain level. Once they hit that glass ceiling and that's all that they can get with their current level of having a good life. Where does that sound? For people to excel and break through that glass ceiling, they got to change something on the inside of themselves. What we specialize here is finding those blockages, identifying them very quickly and having the person reverse them into a new set of possibilities for their life.

Once people break through the ceiling glass, they have to change something inside themselves. They must identify the blockages within and reverse them to find a new set of possibilities.

I want to talk about that quite a bit, but before I do, I want to ask you, is that usually how clients find you? They've tried other types of business learning or other types of mentors, but they can't break through that plateau.

We have people coming in for two different reasons. One, there in so much pain with their business or sometimes, we have business people come in that their business is going pretty well, but their home life is crap. That's bleeding over into their businesses. They're short with their team members, short with their employees, whatever. People come to us because the pain of where they are is so great or because where they're currently working, they've hit a glass ceiling. They'd like to know what's next and if their coach or consultant they're working with has tapped out. That's all they can go with that person. We'd love to find people like, “Let's go to maybe a 10x growth rate.” That's tremendous.

Common Blockages

I can't even imagine that. I would be curious, what are the most common obstacles or things that you see? Are there any common threads, or is everyone different?

It always goes back to language. How are their language in themselves? Every word we speak is a prayer coming into manifestation. Most people's language is speaking one of limitations. I’ll give you some examples. They're saying, “I don't want to struggle with money. I don't want to have issues with my team.” They're speaking a whole language of knots. If somebody's speaking the language of knots, basically what they're doing is complaining without even knowing they're complaining. Stanford did a study, and they said complaining damages neurons in the brain. In other words, complaining makes us stupid.

If somebody can be bright but they can still have that level of complaint, that's keeping them from a whole another level of genius. When we begin to work with somebody, we have them change their language. All of a sudden, they're going to start to notice, instead of finding things to say, “I don't like this,” they're going to start speaking in what they love and what they choose to have. When they start to do that, all of a sudden, all the things that they've been attracting that is keeping them in that place, they have a whole another level of attraction around it.

It worked with a lot of people in business. We had another person who was retired from the military, and he worked with a business coach. I met him maybe in September or October one year. He had been working with a business coach to lay out his coming three years. In three years, he was going to grow to like a 10x in his business. I said, “That sounds great. I believe we can work with you and do it way faster.” I started working with him in October, and I believe it was February or March when he hit his third-year goal.

Changing The Language

Less than six months. I want to talk about the language, but can we dive into a bit about that example and what it looks like to work with you? Is that retired military a professional?

Yeah. He was involved in the Marines. He said working with us is like going through SEAL training. He said, “This is like spiritual warrior stuff.” I said, “Yeah it is.” It's a little on the intense side. There are a lot of modality talks about how you got to be vulnerable in life. I’ll tell you, you have to be courageous. Fears would keep people stuck and the opposite of fear is not vulnerability. The opposite of fear is being courageous. You got to have get your courage and will up to have what you speak manifest where you can walk into the bathroom of the water in the toilet.

You told me that because I had shared with you at the end of 2023 when we met that I wanted the show to be authentic and vulnerable and you said change your language and change it to courageous. I did announce to this audience that this is a year of courage and I like that reframe a lot. In your comment about it being intense, I could very well see that because even in the two times we met before this interview, you held a mirror up to some of my language. I'm being very intentional with my word choices on this interview, too, because I know that you might call me out on it. That's what people need if they want to grow. It seems like the people that gravitate to this type of consciousness work have that in common. There's something that they know isn't working.

Find a coach's going to make you sweat. A lot of these belief systems and limitations have been stuck maybe in the person's lineages for eons. The way that you're speaking has been spoken that same way for hundreds or thousands of years. Those patterns or some language patterns have been spoken in your lineage. Those things we're doing here, you started speaking new. You started speaking words in a brand-new way, and you felt it was most likely the first time anyone in your lineage had done so. That's changing your whole reality and your reality of everyone coming after you as well. It’s fascinating how this works.

I think about looking at the family life or the language that we hear in our work environments, too. You had talked about one of the biggest blockages is being language and that every word we speak is a prayer coming into manifestation. That was beautiful. I'm thinking about the things I’ve said in my past roles and even now and some of the ways that we show up where maybe something bad happens to us and we call five coworkers and complain about it. I have stopped doing that, but it's taken intentionality to do that because I felt like I was giving my power away every time I did that and asking other people their opinion when I needed to trust myself a little bit more.

I read tones of voices, body language, and everything else. From the first time we've spoken to now, your language has changed a lot. Also, the way that your own tone of your voice has changed a lot. You used to be high pitched, now you're deeper and deeper into your body. You're starting to speak more from here rather than from here.

I feel that shift, too. It's funny. I had a guest earlier this season who also talked about voice masks and some of the masks we put on when we talk to other people. I'm trying to be a lot more aware of what I'm putting out there because I think it's also helping me slow down a little. I have a high sense of urgency, but you're the second person who told me I talked very fast and I am being a little bit more aware of that. I guess I don't know where that was coming from, but I think taking the time to sit with yourself has been very powerful to me in a short amount of time. I can understand why your clients are starting to get that type of immediate results in such a short amount of time.

What manifests our thoughts or words and feelings and when somebody speaks quickly with no feeling in their words, whatever feeling they have suppressed inside themselves. In other words, a lot of people say, “I’ve taken those experiences and compartmentalized it. I keep it in a compartment over here.” It's still going to affect you. It's as if you have a punch bowl and you have a turd floating around in it and you're going, “I'm going to keep the turd in this little corner over here and drink the rest of the punch.” No, it's still tainting all that.

Dealing With The Change

What can we do if we have a turd in our punch bowl? What can some of our readers do?

It was fine when I said it. When you said it, it was funny, to hear it come back from you.

What do we do when we compartmentalize? I feel like I do that. I hear that phrase a lot. I think that is going to be a very tangible example for people reading.

When somebody's trying to compartmentalize it, there's no such thing as being able to compartmentalize because it's still inside you. It’s going to poison your body. It's going to poison relationships around you. It's going to create a toxic, maybe a glass ceiling in your business. All those things, whatever level of success you have, whatever level of love you have in your life, all your belief systems are letting you have at this moment.

To shift that, you're going to have to change yourself. I got this thing up here. It says, “Leading organizations successfully today requires leaders to transform themselves personally. New leadership literature suggests a consistent correlation between personal leadership success and their level of self-mastery. The greater their self-mastery, the greater their success.” That was by Mark Mickelson and John Anderson.

Leading a successful organization today requires leaders to transform themselves. This involves building a consistent correlation between personal leadership success and self-mastery.

I used to be reactive. Something would happen and my reaction often was not to react, which was still a reaction. I would go silent and walk away. Leading a company, that sucks. My team didn't know where I was. I didn't know where I was. I would blow them, bolt it in and blow up with it. Now with these tools we have here and how quickly they can change somebody, instead of doing those types of things, I can have an effective action conversation in the moment.

To me, the faster I can respond to a situation with effective action is not something that's going to take be something I go back and regret, but something that I respond to effectively. The greater my ability to respond, the greater responsibilities get put upon me. The greater my ability to respond to life's situation, the more responsibilities in life I have.

It's almost like you are only given the problems that you or your business could handle at that level that you're at. The bigger you get, the bigger the problems but you have the experience to handle larger opportunities larger “issues.” That's very cool.

It's always the same solution for the same issue, just at a deeper level.

Can you give an example?

We're speaking with you, there is some changes in your language, thoughts, words and feelings that created a new realm of existence for you, a new level of awareness. At that new level of awareness, your effectiveness in life is going to skyrocket. All of a sudden, you're going to start getting opportunities that the person who was down here who was complaining didn't have those opportunities show up for them. You said you wrote something down about going to London or something. Very quickly, the manifestation occurs. The person you were last year or when I first met you who was complaining, that opportunity wouldn't show up for that person.

I’ve been opening my email and I have so many great projects in front of me. One big shift that I’ve changed is I’ve always been in a sales role. I would achieve a lot of my sales goals if my goal's $10 million or whatever the number, I'd chunk it down and then I'd do the actions to get those dollars in the company.

One of the things that I’ve changed and shifted is instead of breaking it down into dollars, I’ve been saying, “I'm going to help X amount of teams this year. I'm going to change X amount of businesses. I'm going to talk to X thousands of people.” I’ve changed it to where I want to come from, a place of service, like I want to help X amount of people. I think that shift has been very cool to almost take the dollars out of it. Now I have a lot more inbound stuff. My Q1 is packed and it's exciting because I feel like it's this positive momentum cycle that I’ve dropped into and now I'm spiraling up and it's such a better feeling than feeling like you're spiraling down

That's the other thing. A lot of company or people work on producing a particular result like X amount of dollars, X amount of cash, cashflow, whatever those things are the results are based. Something we do a little bit different here, we work on outcomes. An outcome is a first-person personal experience. In other words, it's saying, “I have X amount of dollars in the bank.” I could say, “I love getting emails saying, ‘Thank you for what you’ve done with our company.’”

One is the money. Yeah, money's cool. The other one's, “I love hearing thank you. I love hearing, ‘You not only changed my business life, but my wife and my kids, we’re actually getting along for the first time.’” The person who they hit their three-year goal in six months or whatever it was, they were getting a divorce. The kid was making straight Fs. They were already looking for somebody else to replace the current partner. They had all this outside interest in all this stuff. I started working with them, and within a short period of time, instead of their kid not talking to him, the kid said, “Dad, you come into my room. Let's talk. Dad, I haven't spoken with you in a long time.”

That was totally out character for that relationship with his son. I started working with them in September or October. They went on Thanksgiving. They said, “Holidays was always a tough time.” They stayed at home but had a kerfuffle with the turkey or something that would've normally taken them out and they laughed their way through it and said, “This is the best time I’ve had with my spouse ever.” Those types of things. I love hearing those things about what's going on. That's what I'm talking about compartmentalizing things, like you can make a bunch of money if you have issues with your family. Maybe all that money you made put half of it's going to go away in a divorce.

Plus, all the other stuff that goes along with it. The big things I hear from people, too, is, “If we could just go back to wherever we met,” forget all that because even when you met, you have still had the turd in the punch bowl back then. Build a brand-new punch bowl that's so much greater in beauty, fun and playfulness than anything you were able to achieve back then because now you can bring consciousness to it and maybe have 10 or 100 times greater love than you've ever experienced or success with your business or happiness with your employees.

Power Of Consciousness

Also, health and doing things you love. I think that's a big measure of success for me. If someone's reading this and they're thinking, “How do I start to build a new punch bowl,” can we talk a little bit about the science behind it and I guess like the power of the conscious brain?

By the way, I majored in Engineering. Years ago, I would've thought you were nuts if somebody talked to me like this.

We Have a lot of Engineering readers, so this is perfect.

I would take consciousness work. I would notice there were some things that felt weird and everything that felt weird, I'd go, “This feels weird to me. There's something that requires me to this. I'm feeling this for a reason that I can make an improvement here.” I took apart all the different things I was attending and said, “This feels weird. There's got to be an upgrade here.” I created all these systems here.

Everything we do here is a QLT system called the Quantum Leak Technique. Most things talk about you got to think positive thoughts. Don't take negative thoughts. What we do here is we have a way that we change body chemistry first. When I'm talking about body chemistry, I'm talking about feelings first. If you're in a state of anger or resentment, there's not much creativity going on. You spoke about having excitement in your life. Excitement's cool, but excitement is based on EX, which is exterior-based.

When I get things about excitement like, “When I get this speaking gig or I get this contract, my life's going to take a whole another turn.” It's like the donkey with the carrot in front of itself. It's always, “I got chase and chase.” What we do here, there's a feeling inside of us that we can find called enthusiasm. It’s interiorly based.

I never knew that. Excitement is exterior.

Enthusiasm comes from the great word entheos, meaning with God. A lot of people have a lot of misnomers about using the word God. We also use scriptures. God is love, life, light and truth. In other words, enthusiasm is based in truth. Enthusiasm is based in Life. Enthusiasm is based in capital Love. When somebody loves what's going on with their life, all of a sudden, their creativity goes up and their intuition goes up. All those things start to occur very naturally. Most people don't have a clue of what it is or how to get to it. What we do here, we have a simple process that can take a few minutes to be demonstrated and maybe a lifetime to master but you can get it quickly.

When somebody loves what’s happening in their lives, their creativity and intuition go up, and everything they want starts to occur naturally.

How long are you going to stay in it? If something happens, how quickly can you recover to get back in it? That's where the magic occurs. If you have a kerfuffle, sometimes I get on it and my girlfriend or partner, all she does is laugh at me if I do that. One of my core decrees is I love laughing with my partner. She laughs at me. I can go, “She’s laughing at me,” or go, “I love laughing with her.” I start laughing and then it's all over.

You switch your feeling like that.

When we can instill listening corporations, instead of having people get into that, they could have fun with it and immediately bring playfulness, creativity and intuition back, as well as have a whole team of problem solvers rather than problem creators.

I like the idea of shifting your mindset so quick. This is a silly example, but I was at a point in my business where I was very lean and I was in New York City. My business partner wanted to take a rickshaw or one of those bike cabs. We were going to this dinner and I was asking how much is it before we got on, because this wasn't my first rodeo, but she was already in and excited. I hopped in, and we went on a sixteen-minute ride through Times Square. We were blasted music. We were having such a good time and he dropped me off. He pulled out his calculator and it was a $150 ride. It ended up being $9 a minute.

I could not stop laughing. I was like, “Here's my money.” It was comical that the only thing to do was to laugh instead of being like, “I could have used that $200 for something else, but I guess I'm paying this guy for a fifteen-minute bike ride.” I had a lot of fun during the fifteen minutes and it's a fun story. It's a little tiny thing where you could choose to be pissed or argue with the guy, but instead, “No, this is funny.” You had a sign. I didn't read it. It's all good. Move on to the next.

I’ve seen some videos and it talks about it's not thinking positive. They said they did an analysis and they said, “People who think positive are great, but they said what we think makes the most difference.” Thinking positive or the amount of duration you're spending thinking negatively. That’s a good reframe. They said that they had proof that if somebody's spending a lot of time thinking negatively, it'll negate the positivity.

Who's that on Shark Tank? Barbara, the short blonde hair girl, Georgia, a real estate company with $1,000 investment and now it's worth $1.5 billion or something. She was talking about the success of her people, and they were asking, “What makes your company so successful?” She goes, “We don't have the best client list. We don't even have the best agents. We don't have any of that but everyone in our company has one trait.”

I was like, “Let's hear this.” She goes, “With real estate, you make deals or you lose deals. Everyone in our company, if they lose a deal, they get immediately back in the game. What we do here, instead of getting taken out by hours or days or weeks, I’ve been taken out for years with stuff. Instead of getting taken out, it's an immediate back in the game. That's what has us be successful. The same thing with business owners. Whether you're with businesses or relationship, if you're doing it your business, you're most likely doing it in your home life as well. All this stuff correlates everywhere.

I liked what you said about leadership and the quote about the greater the leaders' self-mastery, the greater their success. Barbara is such a great example, and I think that all of that applies very well to sales or any type of business development opportunity. Before this interview, I was thinking back about my sales techniques and what I teach in my workshops and it's a balance of hard and soft skills, but a lot of the soft skills are like active listening, empathy, compassion, relationship building.

I think a lot of my success has been my energy and enthusiasm for my product or service or this client's business model. That energy has gotten me to top decision makers and high profile accomplished business professionals. I'm able to do that even as Sara Murray from Utah. That doesn't matter because we're meeting on the same energetic level, and I didn't think about it until I was prepping for this interview. I want to thank you for that because that was a cool download that I got to experience before this interview.

Can I give a couple of comments on language?

Please. I knew this was coming, Mark, but I'm ready for it.

Say, “I didn't think about it.”

I didn't think about it.

Say, “Wow.”


This is the first time I’ve heard I’ve thought of it this way.

This is the first time I’ve thought of it this way.

Say, “Active listening.”

Active listening.

Say, “Really hearing.”

Really hearing.

Which one?

Really hearing. This is the first time I’ve thought about it this way. How enthusiastic am I for it? I was about to say exciting, but I didn't.

This feels a totally different chemical content than a body. We're talking about self-mastery. Self-mastery is being aware of and monitoring and creating your own body chemistry at will.

Self-mastery is being aware of yourself and monitoring your own body chemistry at will.

Is that like your example of having, you had a kerfuffle and your girlfriend laughed and so you chose to laugh like you changed your body language?

Yeah. It's happened as naturally now because I love laughing with my girlfriend. I love laughing together. I love laughing pillow talk. It's so fun. That's already inside me now. It used to be like, “I don't like it when she does that.” All those things. Now it’s, “I love doing this. This is what I love.” I started changing. Instead of saying what I didn't like, I started saying, “Here's what I love. Here's what I love about my business. Here's what I love about my clients. Here's what I love hearing from our clients.” That will change everything in your life.

Looking At Yourself

I have been shifting that when it comes to difficult conversations or big pitches or in past roles, having a big boss shadow a call or having to have an uncomfortable conversation. I have started to embrace it as an opportunity to learn. “I'm excited to learn how to handle this type of situation.” I think even that shift made it easier for Barbara to get back up. Also, easier to come from a place of courage and not fear, like you mentioned at the top of the interview. It takes some intentionality. Do you find people are a little resistant when they start to look at themselves?

Yeah, they do. The truth will generally piss people off. What limits somebody the most in life is what they hate the most about themselves and also what they defend the most. I'm used to doing that and I’ll stay with anyone. I have clients where, through the process of being a coach with them, there's times when they don't like me and that's okay. I'm okay with that. If they got something to say to me, “Get it out. Don't let it sit there and poison you. Get this stuff out.” One more thing about language too is to say, “I learn,” or say, :I remember.”

I learn. I remember.

Say, “I love remembering my success.”

I love remembering my success. That's cool.

Instead of learning how to be successful, “I remember my successful life.” Little tingles.

I try to journal every morning because it sets my whole day up to be a more positive day. I enjoy it. It's a great tool for me, personally. I was writing in my journal, and I have a big event coming up. They told me that they trusted me implicitly. They're like, “You can do whatever. We trust you.” I was writing in my journal and I was writing back almost the evidence of other situations that reminded me of this one. It was powerful to look back and think about instead of learning, I remember that I'm capable of that success because I’ve already done it before.

When we do this stuff, you're going to remember your future. This quantum leap technique we're doing, rather than trying to figure out how we're going to get there and how we're going to do all these things, instead of trying to figure out how there's a way to remember what you did to get it.

Rather than trying to figure out how to get to your goal, try to remember what you did to get it.

Can you dive into an example of that?

Sit, lean back in your chair, put your feet up on your desk and go, “Guess what? I finally made it.”

Guess what? I finally made it

Just go, “Ah.” Let the body go into a state of ease. I'm starting to. Even doing this with people and getting them to a state. Most people try to meditate to get here. What we're doing it here is where your day becomes like a walking meditation. You stay in that feeling of, “Yeah, that's it.” Most people, when people start to do this, they start to cry because they're going to a new state of do state of ease.

It is crazy to feel how instantly relaxing your body can change, like how I'm sitting here. I feel so much better.

It changes everything.

Ease for life.

Say, “I'm beginning to experience ease for life.”

I’m beginning to experience ease for life.

Say, “It's okay for me to have my easy life.”

It's okay for me to have my easy life.

For your audience, every time she said the word easy, she closed her eyes every time she spoke the word easy. That means she's like, “I don't want to quite see this yet.” She's holding onto the struggle. All I do is I read the body language, whether the person's in alignment with the thoughts or words, all the body's in alignment with what they're saying. When we can get everything aligned, a new chemical process is produced in the body, and a new set of thoughts are created. All of a sudden, a new reality opens up. Once the new reality opens up, you'll be able to ask, “What did I do to get here? What's the first thing I did?” You'll get an answer to that quick. You'll remember it instead of trying to figure out how.

That example makes sense to me if I remember what I did to get there in the future.

This is quantum physics.

Quantum Leap

I hear the term quantum leap quite a bit and I have a rough understanding of what it means. Could you give us your definition?

We're taking people into a future state. Even if somebody has a, has a condition, physical condition in their body, we're taking them into the feeling of their body already healed. We are helping them remember their already healed body. Once they can remember it, the body will follow suit. Once they can remember having a loving relationship with their wife, all of a sudden, they'll go into remembrance of it.

Once they can remember having 10x growth in their company, their body will go into alignment with it. When somebody touches a new level, like 10x growth in their company, what's going to happen is everything that's out of alignment with that 10x growth is going to show up in that person's life very quickly. The counterfeit is going to show up not to punish the person but to go, “This is what's required for you to change in order to have your new company.”

One of the most important questions I can ask somebody or ask somebody to have them answer is, “If Kerfuffle shows up and you're at 10x, how do you handle things?” That would normally take you out at the 1x you're at now, the things that would normally get your attention. At 10x, how do you handle those things? What did you do if these show up? It's like a mosquito. I flick it like a mosquito. I laugh at it. I have fun with it. All of a sudden, they begin to see a new way of handling this kerfuffle. Where this new reality comes into existence is how do you handle your issue.

I’ve been asking myself what a multimillion-dollar business owner would do and making my decisions that way. Is that a little bit similar?


What is the language change I need?

Now that I'm already a multimillion-dollar business owner, what did I do to handle these things?”

If you're reading and you're thinking about your goals or your sales targets or whatever you're aiming to get to, it's remembering what you did. Your body alignment and chemistry.

Give yourself already having it and then remember what you did to get it.

Now that I'm a multimillion-dollar business owner, I remember what I did to get it. Okay, that's cool.

What skill did you situate to get it?

Are you asking me or am I just thinking about it?

Just feel it. What's different between you at the multimillion-dollar business and where you are now? What's different inside you?

The first word that came to my mind was ease. Let it be easy, playful, fun, joy, happy and love. All those feelings. I got playful. Yeah, I like that because I like to have fun in my life and meet all the people. That's what I feel like if I can tap into that alignment, obviously, I want to help others. That brings me a lot of joy. It’s like what you were saying, feedback from your clients. It's that momentum cycle that we have to drop ourselves into.

Play with your language again. “Helping other people brings me joy.”

Helping other people brings me joy.

Say I love helping other people.”

I love helping other people.

If something can bring you joy, then something can take your joy away. The little nuances in language make a huge difference.

What can people do if they start to catch themselves? Are there some good best practices?

What we do here is helping people become aware of their feelings and their bodies so they remember of self-mastery. Every word a person speaks is either going to thud them or lift them. Its process of growth and expansion is going to be continually being lifted. The process of gaining greater and greater wealth is going to be a continual lifting. You'll be able to become aware of your feelings associated with every word you speak.

Sometimes, I’ll speak. I say, “Let me say that a different way.” I'm catching myself and self-coaching myself. You basically become your own coach that you're working on day to day in your life, continuously making this expansion not based on right or wrong, good or bad, but based on, “This produces this feeling. This feeling produces this result. This produces this feeling, this produces this feeling produces this result.”

You begin to see that the timeline of being in anger produces a particular lifeline and enthusiasm produces a particular lifeline. You get to start to see the difference between those two things. Make a conscious choice. If you can't see the timelines or multiple timelines, you're in a decision, not a choice. We’ve got to be in choice.

Closing Words

I think that's so powerful to use feelings as almost like the guiding light of where you're making your choices. Circling back to my year of intuition and my continuous lifting of intuition, as being a guide, I have been tapping into my feelings and thinking, “This consultant is not in alignment with me right now.” If I have a feeling that I don't like, I’ve been starting to listen to it a lot more, and I think I operate more from my heart than my brain in some ways. I don't know if that's the right way to say that, but I like the feelings as the guide because if something doesn't feel right, it means something. It needs attention. How can people work with you? Learn more about this, dive deeper because we barely scratched the beginning of the iceberg.

The easiest way to reach me is Mark@EncompassLife.com. If you could put in Sara Murray in the subject line, that will let me know they're coming from you. Our website is EncompassLife.com. We're going through a rebuild our website now. You can look us up there as well. It's interesting. When I started doing all this work, I didn't have a website or anything. I got clients all over the world from word of mouth. We put up a website years ago and I started a university to train people in this modality of coaching.

I have been developing staff, training staff who can train other people so we can grow this thing because once people get a taste of what we do here, we have a high success ratio of people who come in and do a whole year's worth of programming or reprogram, I guess you could say. We train people to become coaches. Also, that's a high-level leadership development class. We have people who come in who desire to take their leadership to a whole another level. It's like Navy SEAL trainers for leaders.

Self-mastery is what contributes to success. If you can be a leader that everyone could follow like that, I would call it enlightened leadership. That's the type of work environment I want to work in. I'm sure a lot of people reading this would feel the same way.

One more thing, too. We read deep work and we use humor as a vehicle to do it. As quickly as we can, we get people to start laughing at their own stuff. To create most modalities, 400 to 600 pattern repetitions are needed to create a new pattern. If you use humor, it only takes 10 to 20.

Learning about compartmentalizing 600 times, we could talk about the turd in your punch bowl and get you down to 10 or 20 times. That's cool.

Exactly. You make it fun and engaging, and then all this stuff happens quickly. We're doing things way faster than other modalities are doing on that.

You do a lot of in-person events, too. I’ll link all of your details so everyone has quick access to get to you and your website. Your website's beautiful. I think it speaks to what people are going through. I think it's a beautiful site.

Thank you, Sara.

You're welcome.

It’s great to see you. You got a great smile.

Thank you, Mark.

You're welcome.

I enjoy life. I love my wonderful life that I have and I want everyone to be able to experience this. We can all consistently leap quantumly in different ways. I appreciate you giving us a roadmap to start. That was awesome.

Thank you.

I enjoyed our conversation and I am taking your basics course. It hasn't started yet, but I will report back to the audience on some of the outcomes from the workshop and the classes.

Thanks for having me on.

Thanks for joining.

Important Links


Episode 68: Building A Real Estate Empire: The Lessons Learned Along The Journey With Shelton Wilder


Episode 66: 8 Tips To Beat Imposter Syndrome