Luxury Marketing Mapping
Do you really know what emotionally triggers your high-end client?
Do you know how to avoid “sticker shock?”
Are you making your customers think too hard?
One of the most common mistakes when selling a luxury product or service is that salespeople try to impress instead of connect. In luxury marketing, where money isn’t (always) an issue, finding the way to connect comes down to two things: Emotion and Experience.
Emotionally moving a prospect into a loyal client means you have to understand the conversation in their head and overcome objections that may be blocking the “yes.” Essentially, making your prospective customer think too hard.
Curating the right experience goes beyond just the product or service you’re selling. How are you connecting? How are you communicating your value as a premium product? How are you delivering your pricing models? (Hint, think “upgrades” and not “discounts.”) How are you connecting and tying the sales experience back to the emotional decision making process?
Crafting and communicating your offering, messaging and value as a premium product involves mapping out the luxury buying experience.

What is Luxury Marketing Mapping?
What I’ve learned from running the snack bar at the local country club in my teen years, to fifteen years experience in high end hospitality, to selling premium lighting and technology solutions to worldwide luxury brands and hoteliers, is that there is a clear recipe to how luxury markets likes to be connected with and sold to, and it’s mappable!