Episode 17: Close the Sale & Generate Repeat Business

The final installment of the mini-series, 7 Crucial Skills for Effective Selling brings us to the pivotal moment - closing the deal and generating repeat business. 

Up until this point, Sara’s addressed the other six crucial skills: prospecting, understanding our client’s business model, effective storytelling, overcoming objections, utilizing sales assets, and staying in the driver’s seat all the way to closing the deal.

To effectively close sales, we have to balance detachment from the outcome while being direct in asking for the order. To achieve repeat business, we have to ensure we’re valuing and adding value to the relationships with our clients. 

This episode addresses a closer’s mindset, how to overcome fear when asking for the order, and how to STOP asking for the order after the client says, “Yes!” 

Once we’ve closed the deal, the relationship doesn’t end. It’s significantly easier (and more cost-effective) to keep a customer we already have as opposed to acquiring a new customer. Social capital becomes our greatest asset.


Episode 18: Sales is Everywhere. Embracing it Leads to a More Interesting Life & Career w/ Lauren Ashley Smith


Episode 16: How to Control the Sale? Stay in the Driver’s Seat!