Episode 18: Sales is Everywhere. Embracing it Leads to a More Interesting Life & Career w/ Lauren Ashley Smith

In today’s episode, Sara is joined by Lauren Ashley Smith, a seasoned real estate professional with 20 years of experience in commercial real estate transactions, including investment banking, M&A, capital raising, and strategic advisory. As a founding member of a boutique NYC-based investment bank, Lauren played a crucial role in the third-largest real estate transaction in global history. Now in the renewable energy sector, Lauren serves on the Board of Directors for TVCE Energy, a firm focused on developing solar and other renewable energy power plants in Eastern Europe. 

The two discuss Lauren’s early career to selling commercial real estate to C-Suite executives in NYC and the ability to find connection points, and confidence, across multiple generations and diverse backgrounds. 

Lauren shares tactics to consider when we’re building our world in sales. The people we encounter and the relationships we build is what creates the foundation for a successful and impactful life and career. Interactions provide data points, and the more data points we have to reference, the greater conversations, transactions and opportunities will be afforded to us. 

In addition to relational data points, they talk about client motivations, the different types of decision making, how to reframe rejection, and the understanding that generosity propels us all forward, and is often not monetary. 

If we understand that sales is everywhere, then embracing it naturally leads to a more enriched life and interesting career. 

More from Lauren: 


Episode 19: Core Values are a Framework for Action & Decision-Making


Episode 17: Close the Sale & Generate Repeat Business