Episode 16: How to Control the Sale? Stay in the Driver’s Seat!

The sixth crucial skill for effective selling is the ability to remain in the driver’s seat throughout the entire sales process. 

There are many ways a meeting or a sale can veer off course. We get stuck in loops of answering product questions, the customer hits us with an objection we can’t overcome and now the client is driving the meeting. 

The ability to maintain control of both individual sales meetings and navigating the entire sales cycle requires INTENTION. 

Prospecting on Purpose = Selling with Intention. 

Sara reviews how to have an intention and plan for each stage of the sale, so that you’re constantly moving the exchange forward to the next stage, ultimately closing the deal and deepening client relationships. 

We’ll walk through a handful of examples of how to combine intention with the other crucial skills to stay behind the wheel and drive our clients where we need them to go! 

Salesmanship is a craft that requires self-reflection and practice. How do you rate yourself in each of these crucial capabilities? Take the self-assessment skills survey and contribute to ongoing sales market research via link here.


Episode 17: Close the Sale & Generate Repeat Business


Episode 15: Four Points to Operate in an Attention Economy