Episode 10: Understanding Our Client’s Business Model

In today’s episode, Sara reveals the second Crucial Skill for Effective Selling: Understanding our Client’s Business Model. This is one of the most important skills, because if we can understand our client’s business, it shifts the relationship from a buyer/seller model to true consultative business parters. 

Understanding a client’s business model is often an overlooked step. And not just by the sales people. Marketing teams, customer service teams, training teams, leadership, project management, and engineering teams often make similar oversights. If corporations don’t understand a client’s business model, it leads to undeserving or even mis-serving the clients; in turn unable to maximize opportunities and leaving money on the table. 

Sara reviews why this is important along with sharing questions to ask and scripts to use to ensure we are properly navigating our client’s business and finding new opportunities for partnership. 

Salesmanship is a craft that requires self-reflection and practice. How do you rate yourself in each of these crucial capabilities? Take the self-assessment skills survey and contribute to ongoing sales market research via link here.


Episode 11: Ditch Feature Selling and Start Storytelling w/ Ravi Rajani


Episode 9: Seven Crucial Skills for Effective Selling