Episode 91: Overcome Overwhelm: Managing a Full Schedule Like a Pro

My schedule's been very full but productive or it's really full schedules. Full but fun or full but good and just a small reframe using the word full versus busy personally, really helps me.

And then the other thing that really, really helps me, it's a reframe that I always tell myself more of an affirmation is I always get everything done.

Welcome back to Prospecting on Purpose. This episode is airing mid-September 2024, and I'm just going to argue that this time of the year, mid-September to mid-October, this eight-week span is really the busiest season for most of us, not all of us. You know, I know tax seasons, are different for your tax professional, but for most of us, this is really an intense time.

Summer breaks wrapping up our colleagues and our clients are back from vacations. Kids are back in school, and now all of a sudden, it's this big scramble. Crunch time between now and the week before Thanksgiving in the United States.

It is a time of year where all of a sudden we seem to realize how fast time flies or we're recognizing that we're not nearly close to the sales number we needed to be at or we hadn't accomplished or we haven't accomplished our goals that we set for ourselves and so on.

So it can be very stressful. And so for this short episode, I wanted to just share a couple of things to help us remember to breathe.

So first, I want you to remember your musts. What are the things you must do to take care of yourself, to really help you stay sane, stay healthy, stay happy, and be productive during busy seasons?

So the first thing we want to do is just remember your musts. What are the things you must do? It's really easy to drop things, specifically things that are good for ourselves and our bodies, like exercising, eating healthy, meditating journaling, or whatever. Whatever you need to do to connect with yourself, get good sleep. We sacrifice ourselves all the time for the sake of our work and for the sake of our families.

And I just want to give us all permission to take care of yourself and realize that if you are prioritizing yourself, everything else is going to become more easy and more efficient. So that's up. One other small things that help me when I'm getting overwhelmed is just taking breaths or finding ways to get grounded. One thing that really helps me and I dragged my feet on it literally, is I just put on my sneakers and get out the door.

And then once you start moving short walk, long walk, it's just the easiest way to ground myself and really zoom out and realize that for most of us, no one's going to die if we don't get it all done. We're not selling plasma. We're not saving lives, most of us. So something passes through the cracks. It's usually not the end of the world.

So just remember that and really, it all comes down to we have the power to choose how we react, how we think, how we feel, and how we speak about busy times. And so the last thing I want to leave us with is just this concept of watching our language. This is where the words we use come into play.

I used to be very guilty of this. I still forget to do this, but one word I do my best to remove is the word busy. So how many of us, when someone asks us how we're doing and we respond with a very exasperated busy I know I'm guilty of it and it might be totally true. And that's how the feeling and it might be totally true.

We may be super busy, but if we act in that exasperated, overwhelmed state and that's how we're communicating our state of being to others, that's just the environment we're going to continue to cultivate. So another way that I say this is,

my schedule's been very full but productive or it's really full schedules. Full but fun or full but good and just a small reframe using the word full versus busy personally, really helps me.

And then the other thing that really, really helps me, it's a reframe that I always tell myself more of an affirmation is I always get everything done.

I always get everything done. And sometimes I don't always get everything done. But in the bigger picture of things, I always get everything done. The things that matter get done. And sometimes projects have to get pushed.

Sometimes things aren't executed. As amazing as we had envisioned. But time creeps up on us. And as long as you know that you always get the most important things that matter done, then all these little things in the long run usually aren't that important. So to recap, during busy seasons, take time to put yourself first. Take care of your body.

Find ways to get grounded. Remind yourself you always get everything done. And sometimes that includes doing a really short podcast episode. So I want to thank you for tuning in. We have some amazing guest episodes coming your way. We're going to be talking about how to do an interview, how to outsource your profit, how to lead yourself, and how to create a great company culture.

There are some really awesome guests, so I am excited to share that with you. We are also counting down to the 100th episode of Prospecting on Purpose. So if you're listening to this, I just want to give you such a wholehearted thank you for being with us. For most 100 episodes, it's pretty wild, but we always get everything done right.

So thank you so much for tuning in and good luck during this full season.

It is a time of year when all of a sudden we seem to realize how fast time flies or we recognize that we're not nearly close to the sales number we needed to be at or we hadn't accomplished or we haven't accomplished the goals that we set for ourselves and so on.

So it can be very stressful. And so for this short episode, I wanted to just share a couple of things to help us remember to breathe.

Connect with Sara


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@saramurraysales  
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saramurraysales/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saramurraysales/ 


Episode 90: Boundaries & Business: How to Stay Sane and Make Bank