Episode 24: The Winning 3-Minute Pitch

Sara recaps a sales pitch competition from a recent conference she attended in New York City, LightFair 2023. The large global architectural and commercial lighting event produced a two-hour session titled “Lighting Sales Stars.” 

9 contestants (the sellers)
5 judges  (the clients)
3 minutes 
2 products
1 winning pitch 

Sara attended the event and shares an overview of the competition, the feedback from the judges, and her own takeaways from watching nine, back-to-back, 3-minute pitches.  Each contestant took a different approach to their pitch and it was interesting to see core themes that worked and surprising actions that did not impress the judges. 

It was impressive to see sellers put themselves on stage and open themselves up to feedback from a panel of judges and a room filled of their peers. Everyone did a great job, and this competition served as an opportunity for each individual on stage to stretch and grow, along with the audience members watching, Sara included! 

There is no right or wrong way to sell when it comes to our individual styles and our own personal brand of communication. Our authentic selves need to shine through along with practicing the balance of hard skills and soft skills.

And, if you want to continue to practice, save the dates for two upcoming virtual events with Sara: 


Episode 25: The Importance of Remembering Names


Episode 23: Embracing our Mushy Side