Episode 20: Four Pillars for a Confident Mindset

A foundation of confidence will serve us in whatever we do in life, but especially in our careers. And it is a constant work in progress.

The way we embrace a confident mindset is by understanding our values, our core competencies, the language we use internally and externally, and how we nurture our relationship with ourselves. 

In today’s episode, Sara reviews the four pillars for a confident mindset. She reviews the common area where we trip ourselves up, ultimately the misunderstanding about the differences between confidence, arrogance, and ego. We discuss how understanding our values and strengths prevents second-guessing.. Second-guessing naturally leads to insecure or doubtful actions and wasted time. We’ll review other areas with examples of where unconfident behaviors sneak into our everyday life, and tools to increase awareness and how to overcome them.  

Finally, confidence requires a relationship with ourselves first. The only way we can build authentic relationships that serve us in our personal and professional lives is to ensure our relationship with ourselves is solid. 


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Episode 21: The Art of Relationship Building in Business


Episode 19: Core Values are a Framework for Action & Decision-Making