Episode 2: Three Habits To Be A Rockstar Salesperson

In my experience I’ve come to realize that salespeople fall into one of two buckets:

The people who answer their phone, and the ones who don't. The people who say, "yes" verses the ones who default to, "no."

In this episode, we'll discuss the two types of salespeople; the rockstars.. and the cruisers. We all know people who fall into each bucket. And sometimes, we fall somewhere between the two.

Join me this week to have an opportunity to self-reflect to see where you're rockin' it, and where you may be slipping.

In addition to identifying good and bad habits, we'll discuss two baseline traits that is in the DNA of every great salesperson. We'll end with reviewing three habits to make sure you're sales practices are always leaning to ROCKSTAR!


Episode 3: The Power of Reinvention w/ Kathi Sharpe-Ross


Episode 1: Intro - Meet Sara & About The Show